Category Archives: Uncategorized

Laundry Tips for College Students

If you are in college, chances are good that you have taken care of a few preliminary tasks. These include, but are not limited to registering for classes, buying books, selecting and decorating your dorm or apartment. But if you intend to have a social life, minimize your chances of being the brunt of a […]

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Laundry Color Tips and Tricks

Bold hues give off a happy feeling, which is probably why most people like a pop of color in their clothes. Preventing the color from fading could be such a big problem, however. The more these garments are washed, the more they fade. Washed out garments can be such a pain in the eyes. To […]

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How to do Laundry for Beginners

If this is your first time doing your laundry, i applaud you. Rule #1 is do not forget your cat in the washing machine. Let’s run you through the step by step process of doing laundry and more importantly how to do it properly. 1. Gather all your dirty laundry. 2. Separate the whites from […]

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